Asset Management Module.

To start uploading assets or inventory, click on the menu at the top right and select the asset management option.
In the asset management module you will find the options:
List of assets: where you can get the complete list of the company’s assets, create new assets or delete the ones you don’t need.
Read labels: you will be able to read the information of already printed or modified labels.
Departure of authorized assets from the premises: Obtain information on the assets and the person in charge before leaving the premises.
Asset Ingress On-Premises: Obtain information on assets and the person in charge of assets entering off-premises.
Internal loan of assets: Perform authorizations for the internal loan of assets.
Asset control: Obtain entry and exit records of assets from their locations and carry out transfer authorizations. Category management: View and modify the categories that your company manages for asset inventory.
Asset list
To create new assets one by one click the asset list option. This module offers the options to add, modify or remove assets from the inventory, as well as search existing assets by location, category, status, name, serial or barcode.
Click on the plus symbol (+) and fill in the required data.
In the location option, select the location where the asset is located, assign a manager, select the status of the asset, select a category or create a new one if required by clicking on the category drop-down menu and selecting the option to create a new category.
You can fill in the Serial number, legacy code1 and legacy code2 fields, enter the number of assets that you have from the one that was just created.
Keep in mind the option at the bottom that says Are you in the vicinity of an antenna? This will be used to control the entry and exit of assets and must be selected when any of the assets is near a reading antenna.
Click create, accept the creation confirmation, and click ok. The created asset can be seen immediately in the asset list section.
If what you want is to make a modification on an asset, click on the modify icon, change or modify the ones you require and click on the modify button, accept the modification confirmation and click accept confirming the modification.
When you need to delete an asset, click the delete icon and accept the delete confirmation.
Read tag
By accessing this module. You can read all the information from labels already printed or encoded according to your needs.
To get the most out of this function, use a mobile device and Henutsen in its Android version, as well as the Chainway reader.
Using a mobile device, enter the Henutsen application, enter the username and password, select enter.
This module has a button to display the password and the option to remember the password (Forget my password).
Click on the upper right menu and select asset management, enter the read labels section.
At this point, you should have a reader configured, but if not, when you select the read tags option, click the configure reader button. Make sure that your mobile device has an active bluetooth connection.
Make sure that the Chainway R6 reader is turned on, select the search for devices button and identify the reader by the brand and its Mac address, select the connect button. It will show the reader connection screen where it will indicate that it is connected to the Chainway reader, in addition to configuration parameters that will be explained in more detail in the reader detail configuration section.
Slide the screen and click the back button at the bottom. At this moment the reader is configured to perform the reading by means of barcodes or read RFID codes.
Barcode reading:
Enter the menu, asset management, then click on read label and select read barcode.
Direct the reader towards the barcode that needs to be read and select the read barcode button, immediately the reader will start reading, direct the light to the barcode to be read, the information will be displayed on the mobile screen.
To have more detailed information about the asset, you can select the option view asset details, this option shows each of the data that is available for this asset, in addition to this you can make changes to the asset information if required.
Reading via RFID.
Direct the reader towards the RFID tag, select the read RFID code button, immediately the reader starts reading, a beep will be heard indicating that the reading was carried out, the information will be displayed on the mobile screen.
To have more detailed information about the asset, you can select the option see asset details, this option shows each of the data that is available for this asset, in addition to this you can make changes to the asset information if required.
Departure of authorized assets.
To make sure that the person who is going to leave with an asset is authorized, Henutsen created the off-site asset release module.
In this module you can obtain information about the assets and the person in charge before leaving the premises.
Pull down the top right menu and select asset management, click Offsite asset release, go to module.
To verify the authorization for the departure of the asset, a reader must read the barcode of the employee’s card or, if necessary, write the code of the card:
Entry of off-site assets
In this module you can obtain information on the assets that came out in the form of a loan and the person in charge of the assets that are being entered into the facilities.
Pull down the top right menu and select asset management, click offsite asset entry, go to module.
To verify the authorization for the departure of the asset, a reader must read the barcode of the employee’s card or, if necessary, write the code of the card:
Internal lending of assets.
This module offers the possibility of creating one or several authorizations for the internal loan of assets, this means that when moving an asset, you must have a valid authorization in order to know that the person in charge of the asset has permission to do so. transfer.
To carry out the authorization process, you must enter New authorization:
When entering a new authorization there are 2 modules:
1. capture assets.
2. Request for authorization.
In the first module you must add the asset or assets that will be transferred, you have two ways to add the assets, one of them is to click on configure reader and read the asset code, the other way that you can implement is to click on add assets and select the asset you want to transfer and finally click accept. You will be able to verify or delete the assets you have selected in this same module:
In the second module, authorization request, we find some fields that must be filled out, such as the start date, that is, the date and time in which the asset is transferred, the end date, the date and time in which the asset Return to your place, responsible will be the person who is in charge of the asset, click on request authorization and accept, you can find the authorization in this same module.
Asset control
To control the location of assets and manage transfer while maintaining traceability, Henutsen has created the asset control module.
In this module you can create authorizations to transfer assets between areas, modify already created authorizations and deny or authorize the departure of elements as required.
Display the upper right menu and select the asset management option, click on asset tracking go to the module.
To have information on authorization requests, click on the pending authorizations section
To request a transfer authorization, click on request authorization and fill in the information required.
To generate a transfer authorization, click on the New authorization option, located in the Transfer authorizations section.
In this same module you can see a list of authorizations which may be either in force or expired.
On the authorization detail screen, you must fill in the required fields, start date and end date of the transfer, select the location where the assets will be transferred, select the person responsible for the assets to be transferred.
Select whether it is a permanent permit and the option to send an email to the person responsible for the asset to authorize or deny the release of the elements.
Now search for the assets to be transferred using the filters provided for this purpose, you can search by location, category, status. Also, search by name, serial or barcode.
The assets to move are displayed in the asset list section, select one or more assets as required. Click on the create button and accept the alert confirming the creation of the authorization, click on accept again.
The authorizations created can be viewed in the authorization list section on the asset tracking screen, you can obtain status information for this authorization, if you need to modify an authorization already created, click on the edit icon and modify the data required by clicking on the modify button.
Click accepting the authorization modification and click accept.
What the authorization is for and who admits it according to the roles?
The authorization is used to identify if an asset is in a condition to be transferred, in the event that the asset is not authorized for its transfer or that the authorization has expired, the page will send a notice which will say if it is correct or not. Authorization The person who will be able to carry out the verification of these works will be the one in charge of the security in the facilities, for example: the security guard.
The person in charge of accepting this authorization will be the coordinator or, in any case, the floor manager, in this way a better control of the assets is guaranteed, any authorization that is processed must be accepted by one of these roles to be valid.
Category management.
This section has the options to view and modify the categories that it manages in the asset inventory.
To enter this module, click on the menu at the top right and select the asset management option, now select the category management option, click on go to the module.
On the category management screen, you can view search and modify existing categories. Find or view the category you want to modify and click the modify icon, change or modify the name and click accept, click accepting the modification alert.