Bulk upload module.

Henutsen has the option of mass uploading your organization’s assets, allowing up to 500 items to be uploaded simultaneously.
Enter the application, select the menu at the top right and click on the bulk upload option.
On the massive upload screen, click on the template option, immediately the download of a file in excel format begins, with the following fields.
  •  Inherited Code 1: If the asset already has a code to identify it (pre-existing barcode, old code given by the company), enter it in this field.
  •  Inherited Code 2: If the asset already has a code to identify it (pre-existing barcode, old code given by the company), enter it in this field.
  •  Location: Location of the asset within the company.
  •  Name: Name of the asset.
  •  Description: Description of the asset.
  •  Categories: Category to which the asset belongs according to the company’s classification.
  •  Manufacturer: Manufacturer or brand of the asset.
  •  Model: Model of the asset.
  •  Serial Number: If the asset has a serial number for its identification, enter it in this field.
  •  Responsible: Person responsible for the custody of this asset.
  •  Status Current status of the asset: Select from the dropdown menu.
  • Quantity: Quantity of this same asset to load.
  • Fill out only the tab called TemplateHenutsen.
  • Fill in as many fields as possible to have more complete information on the asset in the application.
  • The only strictly required fields are Name and Location (highlighted in yellow).
  • Once the file is ready, save it in CSV UTF-8 format (delimited by commas) or, failing that, in CSV.
  • When saving in this new format, you will be asked to accept the removal of the supporting tabs (States and Instructions).
  • Make sure you are working in the TemplateHenutsen tab before accepting saving with the new format, otherwise you may lose the information.
Click on the upload icon, and click on the select button, browse for the previously filled out TemplateHenutsen file and click open.
The file will be loaded in a preview where you can verify the information or do field homologation.
Make sure the information is correct and click the accept button. Remember that if the file has locations that did not exist previously, Henutsen will create them automatically, and they will be displayed in a new location creation alert.
Click on accept and the application will present you with a box with the summary of the file you are uploading.
  • Rows found.
  • Total assets.
  • Duplicates
  • Mistakes.
If the information is correct, click upload, and accept the alert informing that the file was uploaded successfully
Note: Remember that the maximum number of assets you can upload in bulk is 500 per file. If your file exceeds this number, split it appropriately into multiple files.
When it is required to see what files have been uploaded, on what date and who uploaded, as well as the total assets that were uploaded and the number of locations. Use the view option.
In the upload module, click on the view option. Here you can delete previously uploaded files by clicking on the action icon and accepting the confirmation alert.