Configuration module.

In the configuration module there are the options for creating and modifying companies, creating, modifying and deleting users and locations according to needs.
Company Configuration.
Click on the configuration option and click on the Business icon, to start the configuration.
The application will display the options to filter companies that have already been created, according to their active or inactive status, and you can also search for companies by name or NIT.
To create a new company, click on the plus symbol icon (+) and fill in the required fields and click on create.
In addition, you can upload an image or logo that identifies the company. (Fields with the symbol (*) must be completed).
The companies created can be viewed on the company management screen in the company list module.
If you need to make any changes to an already created company, simply click on the icon to the right of each created company and proceed to modify the data you require, then click on the modify button, accept the modification alert.
Location settings.
To configure the locations for the company created, go to the configuration module and click on the locations icon:
By clicking on the location icon, the application will display the location management screen, in this module you can search for existing locations either by company or by location name. To create a new location, click on the icon with the plus symbol (+).
In the company drop-down list, select the previously created company or the company to be created for the new location, type the name to be given to the location and click the create button.
Click accepting the new location creation alert and click accepting the location creation confirmation.
The location created can be seen in the list of locations section:
In this same session you can search for already created locations. To edit a location click the edit icon, modify the required fields and click modify. To delete a created location, click the delete icon and accept the delete confirmation alert.
Configuration Roles.
Henutsen offers the possibility of creating different types of roles according to the definitions that the organization wants. This thought of the segregation and independence of the processes for asset management.
In the configuration module, click on the Roles option:
To create new roles, click the plus (+) icon, give the role you want to create a name, and select the permissions the user will have access to.
By default Henutsen loads two fully modifiable roles.
Coordinator Role: Among the privileges and permissions for this type of role is the creation of new companies, modification of already created companies, user creation, modification and deletion, creation, modification and deletion of locations. In addition to this, you can also do normal work functions such as asset creation and modification, bulk asset upload, asset count, and search for a specific asset. This role has all the options of the analyst role.
Analyst Role: This role has the operation permissions to manage assets, see create and modify the list of assets. Read labels, track the entry and exit of assets from the locations, you can also carry out transfer authorizations, you are allowed to view and modify the categories that the company manages for the inventory of assets, you have permissions to carry out mass loading of assets, counting of assets by location and search for a particular asset, coding of new assets and modification of already created assets, sending reports via email after each count.
Role creation: When creating a new role, it is assigned the permissions that the person adding this role believes are appropriate for the functions that said employee performs.
Permissions roles.
Access reports: By removing this permission, this role does NOT have the ability to see the reports option, which causes the app to instantly remove this module.
Filter by location: By removing this permission, the role will NOT have the option to filter by location in the reporting module, the application will remove this option.
Advanced statistics: By removing this permission, the advanced statistics option in the reports module is removed, so the role does not have the possibility to see this option.
Download reports: When this permission is removed, the role does not have the option to download any report, thus the option is removed in the reports module.
Upload file: By removing this permission in the bulk upload module, you can see the upload of files in gray and with a triangle on top, this gives us to understand that it is not available for this role to use the option when this role has the permission active, file upload will appear in red.
View uploads: In the same way as uploading files, it will appear in gray with a triangle which alludes to the fact that it is not available for this role, when it does have the permission it will appear in red.
Delete Upload: When the role does not have this permission, the Henutsen app will not allow you to delete any file uploads that have been made, it will be grayed out with a triangle above it.
Access count: By removing this permission, the user who has this role cannot see the count module, that is, the application will delete count.
Access printing: By removing this permission from the role, the printing module is removed from the menu, meaning that this role will not be able to see this option.
Access coding: If the role does not have this permission, it will not display this module.
Protect label: When the role does not have this permission, the button that says “protect label” is removed in the coding module at the bottom, so the user assigned the role will not be able to perform this action.
View assets: By removing this permission, the system will automatically remove three checks, which are: create asset, modify asset and delete asset, in this way you will not have access to the asset module and you will not be able to view it.
Modify asset: In the asset management module, asset list, when removing the “modify asset” permission, on the right side, the modify symbol is in gray, which symbolizes that the user to whom the asset is assigned role will not be able to modify the assets.
Delete asset: In the asset management module, asset list, when removing the delete asset permission, the delete symbol is gray, which means that the user assigned this role cannot delete any asset.
Deregister an asset: When removing this permission, in the list of assets, when entering modify asset, asset status, there are normally 3 status options: operational, on loan and deregistration, in this case, this role does not You have the option to opt out.
Asset entry: When the role does not have this active permission, in asset management, the asset entry module is eliminated in this way, the user with this role will not be able to enter this part of the application.
Internal loans: By removing this permission from the role, the internal loans module is eliminated, so the user with this role will not be able to access this part of the application.
Read label: By removing this permission from the role, the read label module is removed, so the user with this role will not be able to enter this part of the application.
See authorizations: If this permission is removed from the role, the user with this role will not be able to see the list of authorizations from the asset control module that is available up to now, that is, they will not find this option.
View authorization requests: By removing this permission from the role, you will not be able to see the authorizations that are pending to be accepted from the asset control module.
Request authorizations: The role that does not have this permission will not be able to request authorizations from the asset control module, this function will be eliminated.
(if all 3 permissions are removed at the same time, the asset control module is removed)
Authorization exit: By removing this permission in the role, the authorization exit module is removed, so that the user who has the role cannot enter.
Create authorization: When the role does not have the active permission, the change is evidenced in the asset control module, where the new authorization option is eliminated.
Modify authorization: If this permission is deactivated, the change is evidenced in asset control, on the right side, under total authorizations, the modify symbol is gray, which means that the user with this role cannot perform this action.
Delete authorization: If this permission is deactivated, the change is evidenced in asset control, on the right side, under total authorizations, the delete symbol is gray, which means that the user with this role cannot perform this action.
Modify category: By deactivating this permission, the module is removed: Category management from the menu so that the user with this role cannot perform this action.
See companies: When the role does not have this permission, in the configuration module, companies, the list of companies that have been created will not appear.
Create company: By removing this permission, the change in the company module is evidenced, the symbol for creating a company (+) is removed.
Modify company: When removing the permission for the role, the modify symbol turns gray, which symbolizes that it is not available to perform this action.
Delete company: If the role does not have this permission, in the company module, the symbol with which companies can be deleted is grayed out.
(by removing all user permissions it is disabled, it turns gray and with a triangle of the same color)
See user: By removing this permission, the system will automatically remove three checks, which are: create user, modify user and delete user, thus you will not have access to the assets module and you will not be able to view it.
Create user: When removing this permission, the change in the user module is evidenced, the symbol for creating user (+) is removed.
Modify user: If this permission is deactivated, the change is evidenced in configuration, user, on the right side, under total authorizations, the modify symbol is gray, which means that the user with this role cannot perform this action.
Delete user: If this permission is deactivated, the change is evidenced in configuration, user, on the right side, under total authorizations, the delete symbol is gray, which means that the user with this role cannot perform this action.
(by removing all user permissions it is disabled, it turns gray and with a triangle of the same color)
View locations: By removing this permission, the system will automatically remove three checks, which are: create location, modify location, and delete location, in this way you will not have access to the asset module and you will not be able to view them.
Create location: By removing this permission, the change in the locations module is evidenced, the create user symbol (+) is removed.
Modify location: If this permission is deactivated, the change is evidenced in configuration, locations, on the right side, under total authorizations, the modify symbol is gray, which means that the user with this role cannot perform this action.
Delete location: If this permission is deactivated, the change is evident in configuration, locations, on the right side, under total authorizations, the delete symbol is gray, which means that the user with this role cannot perform this action.
Create role: When removing this permission, the change in the user module is evidenced, the symbol for creating user (+) is removed.
Delete role: If this permission is deactivated, the change is evidenced in configuration, roles, on the right side, under total authorizations, the delete symbol is gray, which means that the user with this role cannot perform this action.
Modify role: If this permission is deactivated, the change is evidenced in configuration, roles, on the right side, under total authorizations, the modify symbol is gray, which means that the user with this role cannot perform this action.
(by removing all user permissions it is disabled, it turns gray and with a triangle of the same color)
User Configuration.
With the company created, you must proceed to create and configure the users who will have access to the application.
Click on the arrow on the top left to return to the settings screen or click on the menu on the top right and select the settings option, now click on the Users icon.
On the user management screen there is the option to add, modify or delete company users, it also offers search options by company, type of role, name, email or type of document.
If what is required is to create a new user, click on the plus symbol icon (+), and fill in the required fields on the user details screen, assign the type of role (if it is already created) that required for this user, you have the option to upload a photo in the user’s profile and click the create button.
Click “ok” to confirm the creation and click the user created successfully alert. You can create as many users as you consider necessary.
To view the created user, go to the user list module.
This module offers the possibility to edit the user’s information by clicking on the edit icon, the option to delete a user is also available by clicking on the delete icon.